At the age of 13, a Jewish boy undergoes a bar mitzvah ceremony, marking the end of childhood. In most African tribes we’ve a variety of “Jando”, a celebration declaring a boy to be a man. But, does Jando or bar mitzvah really change a boy into man? If not, when do we‘become’ men, when we marry? get a job? build house? kill a lion? kill a person?
I have met 40-year olds who are as childish as you can get. I believe transformation ‘begins’ when one starts to accept responsibility for ones’ actions. It is childish to always demand your own way, always be served and never serve others, be selfish, crap in your pants (life of sin). The late Dr Ed Cole said, “Being a male is a matter of birth, but being a man is a matter of choice”
Tim J Kyara
Husband of 1, Father of many
Teacher of the Word
Minister and Elder
Educator and Writer
PhD Research Student