Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Jesus, the asylum seeker
Somehow the act of God hiding from does not feel right or spiritual; after all He is God, He could speak a word and Herod will be dead. Yet, He chose to hid His son from Herod by seeking refuge in Africa. We also see Jesus, during his ministry, hiding from men who sought to kill him as He ministered to them (John 8:59). He hid for a while then came back and continue with the ministry.
There is time for everything, there is time to run from the enemy (situations) and hide for a time. Are you faced with difficulties and hardship at home, work, school, everywhere? Perhaps you need to enquire from the Lord whether you should stay or hide away (resign; find alternative accommodation, school, country?) until the situation changes…losing a battle does not mean you have lost the war.
copyright ©2008 Light to my path † † † by TJM Kyara
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wise People Sight
When we visit a new-born, it is costmary to give gifts and normally these

The wise men did not gift him for who He was then (a small fragile baby in the manger) but for whom He was destined to be (King, Priest, Slain Lamb of God). Wise people still do that today; they see a leader in a distraught youth, a minister in a prostitute, a preacher in a drunkard, a saint in a sinner, a man in a boy, a prophet in a loud mouthed liar, opportunity in a mess…Jesus saw great apostles in the un-learned fishermen.
The question is: ''what and who do you see when you look in the mirror today?"
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Fear Note...
A man came home from work in Mexico City area, where kidnapping was the order
Job said, “…what I greatly fear has come to me…” Fear, like Faith attracts; fear is believing negative thing will happen while faith is believing positive thing will happen…both fear and faith are beliefs. What we fear (or have faith in) remain predominant in our mind (consciousness/thoughts), and psychology teaches us that we attract what is predominant in our mind (thoughts)…hence, we need to renew our minds (Rom 12:2b), meditate on God’s word day and night (Josh 1:8) fill our minds with God’s words (Col 3:16) for both fear and faith comes by hearing. Mark 5:21-43 is a story of a ruler who believed Jesus could heal his daughter, when he heard that she had died, fear replaced faith, but, “…As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not be afraid; only believe"…” Vv 36.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
God bless ME!
Asking for a blessing seems to be a sign of pride (wanting to promote oneself), at least it used seem that way for me. For years I never had courage to stand before God and say, GOD BLESS ME. Yet, I can fast and pray for God to bless and prosper others…I can ask God to “be there” for others, but when it comes to me, somehow it felt like I will be imposing and impolite to ask let alone demand (insist firmly) for God to bless me. I had false humility for I terribly needed God to bless me.
Jacob demanded God to bless him, he was about to face his brother (whose blessing he had taken) and feared for his life. He said, I will not let Go until He blesses me…Blessing means “empowered to prosper” blessing is having divine favour on your side-it is a word (spell) spoken over you which brings about influence to prosper. Divine favor is God rising someone to use their power, ability and influence to help you. Jacob became Israel-the Nation—I challenge you today to stand before God and firmly, faith-full and reverently ASK GOD TO BLESS YOU.
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” Ps 119:105 KJVfor archived light to my path visit
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Awake God in your rightful Habitat
Sometimes in life it seems as though the Lord has gone on sleep as far as our situation is concerned. We try everything, but nothing works…God seems to be doing nothing to intervene in our situation. This is what Job was facing as detailed in Job Chapter 7, he cries out to God seeking to understand what it is that he has done or is doing wrong. His friend, Bildad, respond by telling him “what to do to awaken God” for his situation. Four things you need to do, says Bildad to Job.
ONE, earnestly (diligently, sincerely and seriously) seek God, to know Him and his will for his life; TWO, be pure and upright (motives, clean and contrite heart the Lord will not despise); THREE, make a supplication (entreat, request, plea) to Him of wants/desires and FOUR, remain in a rightful place…other translations says, “rightful habitat” habitat means ones ecology (geographical location), economy (career, work, profession) and acumen (state of mind)…are you in your rightful habitat?
copyright ©2008 Light to my path † † † by TJM Kyara
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Authority of a believer
In Matthew 10, we see Jesus sending His twelve disciples on ‘internship’; He sends them on practical training for He knows He was to depart from them shortly. In Luke 10 we see Jesus sending Seventy-two disciples; this time it records their report when they came back. They rejoiced that demons flee at their word but He told them that they should rejoice because ‘their names are written in heaven’ (vv 20)…this means, whatever happened was a result of their relationship with God.
After His resurrection, He tells them that the authority which was given to Him, He now hands it over to them (Matthew 28:18). The same authority is handed to every believer today…we have the authority and the permission to preach the gospel, heal the sick, raise the dead, drive out demons. Yet for a number of reasons, Christians have not come to full understanding of this, we think that only ordained ministers should do those things.
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” Ps 119:105 KJV
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Cost of Obedience
As a babe in Christ, I thought the reason I was encouraged steadfastly to seek God’s will (and purpose) in and for my life was so that I may not run into trouble and lead a peaceful, successful and prosperous life. Some go to the extent of saying if you have opposition and hardship, it is God’s way of saying ‘you missed the mark’ Yet my humble Christian walk has taught me that, sometimes one run into trouble for being obedient to God. Joseph (text above) was thrown in jail for refusing to commit adultery with his boss’s wife. She told a lie (that Joseph attempted to rape her) to revenge his refusal to sleep with her.
Daniel was thrown in the lion’s den for refusing to worship an idol. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into fire for refusing to worship an idol. Paul and Silas were thrown in jail for preaching the Gospel…hundreds of Christians were killed in Uganda for standing firm in their faith. A Christian who refuse to give bribe (in a corrupt system) may have his/her right delayed or denied…yes, there are times when we obey God it may cost us dearly, but rest assured that God NEVER ends anything on the negative note; we will always have the last laugh…if not in this life, then in the life to come.
copyright ©2008 Light to my path † † † by TJM Kyara
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
God's Voice
We tend to get intimidated if not irritated when someone says ''the Lord told me…'', we don’t like the idea that God spoke to him/her. It gets on our nerves when someone ‘claims’ to have heard from the Lord…who does she/he think she/he is? We think that one has to be ‘special’, ‘holy than thou’ or ‘tight-close to God’ for God to speak to him/her. Yet the bible records many instance of God speaking to sinners and saints as well, yes God speaks to Lucifer, the devil.
Perhaps the reason you don’t hear God’s voice is because your mind is filled with ‘worries of this life’ so much so that when He speaks, you don’t realize it. Or May be you don’t hear God’s voice simply because you don’t know His voice? John 10 Jesus said my sheep ‘’know’’ my voice; in Mark 21 Jesus warns us against worries of this life_lest they keep us from our waiting on Him. When was the last time you ‘heard’ from God? Would you recognize His ‘voice’ when God speaks to you?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Light for my path
Darkness is not a ‘thing’ it is the absence of light; when the light goes out, darkness takes
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” Ps 119:105 KJV
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
One man band!
“…for just as by one man's disobedience (failing to hear, heedlessness, and carelessness) the many were constituted sinners, so by one Man's obedience the many will be constituted righteous (made acceptable to God, brought into right standing with Him)...” – Romans 5:19 AMP [italics & emphasis mine]
Most of us are familiar with wise sayings such as, “…two are better than one…”, “…unity is power…”, “…majority rule…”, “…fimbo ya mnyonge ni umoja (cane/stick of the feeble/frail people is unity)…” etc; all these gives us an inclination towards powerlessness and hopelessness when one is left to stand alone. Yet from time to time, as we stand for God, we may be called upon a place of ‘alone-ness’; a place where we have to stand alone from the crowd.
While the scripture above talks about Adam’s disobedience and Jesus obedience, it is also true to us today. We can make a difference (and make history) in our family, neighbourhood, town, city, country and continent if we dare stand for what is right and not who is right there with you. History tells us of people like Rosa Parks (USA), Mahatma Gandhi (India), Emmeline Pankhurst (UK), Nelson Mandela (Africa) who stood for what is right and made a difference. When you have to stand alone, remember-with God, you are the majority.
copyright ©2008 Light to my path † † † by TJM Kyara
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Emotional & Spiritual Blackmail!
-Exodus 35:4-5,21 NIV [italics & emphasis mine]
I was once in an international conference where a famous international speaker (name withheld) urged people to give…those who pledged thousands were invited to the alter to shake his hand, those who pledged hundreds were invited to stand on the stairs to the alter (no hand shake), those who gave below hundreds were asked to stand just where they were. We were urged to give ‘our way out of poverty’, that God will bless us according to Luke 6:25…to me, this was nothing short of emotional and spiritual blackmail to poor innocent victims-witchcraft at its best!
I believe in giving as a seed for a specific harvest, I believe in giving as a response to love, I believe in giving to test God, I believe in giving as appreciation, I believe in giving to place a demand on God…but I also believe there are some of us who abuse our power and position to promote our agenda at the expense of ignorant and young babes in Christ. We deliberately omit the “willing part”, we see in the above scriptures God says only ask those who are willing. Beloved, let us not be duped in the current wind, the words of God says clearly, “…Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver…” 2 Cor 9:7 NIV.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Retain God in everything
-Romans 1:28-29 KJV [italics & emphasis mine]
I have heard time and again the above scripture being preached in the context of the gospel to non-believers for their rejection of God. However, the same scripture applies to us, believers, who have rejected God in certain areas of our lives. We have a tendency to involve God in certain areas of our lives and prohibit Him in others. When we talk of “…the just shall live by faith…” (Hebr 10:38) we think of faith re: the safari to heaven which we almost readily involved God in.
But when it comes to choice of career, life partner, habitat, place of worship, finances…we only involve God when we are stuck. God is saying (in the above scripture), because you did not retain me (God’s knowledge) in your choice of career, life partner, finances etc, I have GIVEN YOU OVER (handed you out) to your futile mind (way of thinking), which has led you into trouble and heartaches. Our challenge as believers is to learn and apply God’s knowledge, understanding and wisdom in EVERYTHING.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Bless me Father...
Recently I preached a series about the attributes of Giant killers; one of the key attribute is speaking-faith filled words-of what is to be before it comes to be. We saw [1 Sam 17:45-47] that David SPOKE what he and God were going to do before they did it. We also saw that Joshua and Caleb spoke about taking over the promised land before they set their feet in the land to face giant indigenous people, [Numbers 13:30]
When Jacob fights with God for blessing, he gets ‘a new name’ (Israel) instead. We see this phenomenon again when God descends to Abram and Sarai, He changes their names to Abraham and Sara [Gen 17:5]. This signifies not only a change in relationship, but also proclaims the destiny. When we are cursed, it is a spell(word) spoken against us; likewise when we are blessed it is a word that is spoken FOR us. Let us (like gods on earth) learn to speak faith filled words, proclaiming the end before it comes to pass.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Prosperity Gospel
Prosperity gospel is flourishing in the media today than any other time; sadly it is focused more on the product (creation) than the producer (creator). I am all for prosperity, besides I serve the God who says, “Silver and God is mine” Hagai 2:8, and, “He gives me power to get wealth” Deut 8:18. The question is on the focus, wealth and riches should come as effect from the cause—which is to know and submit to God’s will and purpose…let Him instruct you and teach you in the way that you should go, Psalms 32:8.
Other translation of Job 22:21 says, acquaint thyself to God; the Swahili version says “Mjue sana Mungu” which means know your God intimately…as a result (the effect) prosperity will come to you. Why, because He is a God of abundance, where He goes…abundance follows naturally. Yet to others God has become simply a means to an end, they want what He can offer but not Him; they want His presents but not His presence!
copyright ©2008 Light to my path † † † by TJM Kyara
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Pride Vs Humility
Humility (n), [Humble (v)] is a rare attribute even amongst Christians today. Everyone wants to be seen doing something “important” in the body of Christ. Pride is the opposite of humility, if you are not humble, you are proud-there is no middle ground…there is a difference between being proud (arrogant, pompous, snobbish, pretentious) and being happy (pleased, joyful, cheerful) for oneself-what you and God have achieved.
Humility is seeing and conducting oneself the way God sees and urge one to-no more (leading to pride) and no less (leading to false humility-which is also pride). James says God resists the proud; He actually comes down and WORKS AGAINST WHAT YOU DO. Like Lucifer, every-time we become proud, our downfall is not far [Prov 18:12]. We know we are proud if, ■we know everything, no one can tell us anything; ■every time there is a problem, its someone else’s fault, ■take credit to achievements (pass none to the group or to the Lord for provision of wisdom and strength).
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” Ps 119:105 KJVfor archived light to my path visit
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tongue of the wise
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” Ps 119:105 KJV
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Evil Report?
The scripture above says that, the ten spies who were against Joshua and Caleb conclusion of the report, had brought up EVIL REPORT. The question is, how can it be evil if it contained facts? Fact was the men in Canaan were giants. But the truth was God had already given Israel the land regardless of the facts. Therefore the report was evil because it concluded with negative ‘opinion’ against God’s words (promise).
When scriptures says the just shall live by faith (Hebr 10:38), it does not mean that we should deny facts but rather we acknowledge the truth-God’s words (John 17:17). When I am sick, I do not dwell in my sickness instead I proclaim the truth ‘by his stripes I WAS healed’1; when poverty strike, I do not dwell in it instead I proclaim ‘He gives me power to get wealth’2; when death lurks in, I do not stare at the grave instead we proclaim ‘He will satisfy me with long life’3 and ‘life and death are in the power of my tongue’4
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Love or Lust?
The late Dr. Ed. L. Cole in his teachings defined love as, “the desire to benefit others at the expense of self because love, primarily, desires to give” He went on to define lust as, “the desire to benefit self at the expense of others because lust, primarily and ultimately desires to get” to top it all he said, “you can give without loving, but you can not love without giving” Jesus said in His teachings that we can measure our love by our giving, “…greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends…” John 15:13 KJV italics and emphasis mine.
Challenge to us today is, how much do we really love God? Further more, do we really love or lust after Him when all we do when we go to him as ask, ask, ask…when we are done asking we request, request, request? Don’t get me wrong, God wants us to go to Him when we are in trouble, but it really gets into His nerves (if he has any) when WE ONLY GO TO HIM when in trouble, after that we have no business with Him…is this love or Lust?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Where is your Confidence?
Recently I was bypassed by a promotion at work which I strongly believed was long due to me; I felt extremely bad, I was screaming inside (ready to put up a fight) because I thought I had earned that promotion and I had what it takes—excellent experience, education and technical know-how and why. Then the Lord reminded me that I have my trust misplaced, that promotion does not really come from East or West but from the Lord (Psalms 75:6-7 paraphrased).
Even though David spoke of his experience in the wilderness where he killed bear and lion; we see in the above scripture that his confidence was not in his experience or knowledge but in the Lord God. He had put his trust in the Lord and he was never disappointed. We see David, even after years in the palace as King over Israel, he still proclaimed that, though “…some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God…” Psalms 20:7 NIV
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Have a Plan?
“…Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it?...” [Luke 14:28 NIV]. [italics & emphasis mine]
No sane person gets into a train, bus or car and embark into a long journey without a destination and timescale in mind. Yet most of us have embarked into life journey with no plan or destination in mind. We leave our future and destiny to chance, this is not only dangerous and ignorant living but also un-scriptural. When we lack life plan, we drift into whatever comes our way and the tragedy is, we are more likely not to achieve what God has destined for us
Jesus in the above text is teaching us to be planners; a good planner sees the end from the beginning, count the cost and device strategy to achieve desired end. Jim Rohn (American writer & speaker) says, "...if you don't design your own life plan, chances are you will fall into someone else's plan; and guess what they have planned for you? not much..."
copyright ©2008 Light to my path † † † by TJM Kyara
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
“…But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her…“ Luke 10:40-42, NIV Italics and emphasis mine
In the above text, Jesus told Mary's sister that her sister has made the right choice; He did not imply that Martha should have not prepared food etc for Him, but He was addressing her priority issues. This question still lingers to us today, what have we given priority in our life? If you want to know what has the highest priority in your life, look at what takes the most of your time, money and attention.
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copyright ©2008Light to my path † † † by TJM Kyara
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” Ps 119:105 KJV
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
murderer turn god
“…Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. When the islanders saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to each other, ‘This man must be a murderer; for though he escaped from the sea, Justice has not allowed him to live’… but after waiting a long time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and said he was a god…“ Acts 28:3-6, NIV Italics and emphasis mine
It is interesting to see how our Leaders today, both in the politics and in church, will go out of their way to please people even at the expense of their calling and assignment. People would rather please people they see than God (who is unseen with natural eyes) and in so doing, we become hypocrite…we project who we are not inside in order to please people and win their seal of approval, recognition and popularity.
The trouble with people, as we see in the above text, is that they are so fickle; within a span of hours (the same night) Paul verdict moves from a murderer to god. Paul said, ‘If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ’ Gal 1:10b. I am not saying that we should ignore peoples’ opinion, but we need to be convinced of who we are and what we do regardless of people’s opinions. Malcom X once said, ‘if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for everything’
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
What you don't know
A decade a go we had a slogan which said ‘what you don’t know, can’t hurt you’ this slogan was used in many context but mainly in election campaigns; electoral candidates seemed to favor policies which advocated dissemination of information on a ‘need to know’ basis-they decide what you need to know. On the other hand, there are those who believe that ‘knowledge is power’ and advocate sharing everything to everyone failing to note that the right information in the hands of wrong people can be disastrous, do not cast your pearl to swine, Matt 7:6.
The truth of the matter is, knowledge in and by itself is not power, but rather knowledge put into action. But what is the truth? Jesus said, “…sanctify them by the truth; your word is the truth…” John 17:17 NIV. God’s word is the truth and Jesus is the word of God...hence Jesus is the truth. When we know God’s word (Jesus) and act upon them (what he says), it sets us free. Free from fear of future uncertainty, fear of men, fear of death etc It is only the truth that you know will set you free, indeed “…my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…”Hosea 4:6 KJV, “…my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge…”Isaiah 5:13 KJV
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Destiny, Choice not Chance!
“…large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him. Jesus turned and said to them, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children…” Luke 23:27-30 NIV [italics & emphasis mine]
When my son was born, immediately the pediatrician who was in the room took him and gave him a nudge, he began to cry and everyone around (nurses, esthetician, and surgeons) cheered and laughed with joy. William Jennings once said, Destiny is not a matter of chance is a matter of choice. God has given us power to make our own choices in life; while we can choose our choices (actions), we cannot choose the consequences thereof.
When a child is born, it cries and everyone around it rejoices…if this child live right and to the fullest potential (life of service to mankind like Jesus Christ), at the end of child’s life, the child will smile and everyone around will be crying-because a good man has fallen asleep. God says, “…I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live…” Deuteronomy 30:19-20a NAB
copyright ©2008Light to my path † † † by TJM Kyara
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Attitude Tune_up!
I read a story about a wealthy businessman who would pay people to dine with him and hear gospel talk; he talked to fellow wealthy businessmen, statesmen and poor homeless people all the same. Yet I hear other stories of wealthy Tele_Pastors/Evangelist whom when you invite, you have to fly them first class, prepare limo ride from the airport and book them 5 star hotel, otherwise do your own gospel campaign for they won’t come.
Now compare these two contrasting attitudes and that of Paul in the above scripture; how many believers do you know (including yourself ;-) who will go out of their way to win the lost soul? We serve God and preach the gospel ‘when it is convenient’ to us. Where have we lost the ‘sacrificial attitude’? Have we forgotten that most of us got saved because someone went out of his/her way to reach out to us? Remember: “…for everything you get free, someone paid for it…”
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
We recently organized a leadership workshop in a hired hall, the kitchen to the hall was meticulously in layout; every cupboard and draw was painstakingly labeled. They had draws/cupboards labels for cutlery, tea cups, mugs, plates, tissues etc. it made it easy for us to find things and more importantly where to put them back at the end of the workshop. Needless to say, everything in the world has a label (name), whether the label is there physical for us to see or mental label.
The desire to label everything is inherent in our human nature; we label things (and people) so that we know where they are and how to relate to them. The Jews in the above scripture had labeled Jesus as ‘the son of carpenter’, they would have no problem with him had he been selling furniture; but because he came out different to the label they had of him, “they took offense”. We need to be careful with the label that people place on us, if we accept these labels (in order to please people), we become limited in what God can do to and through us.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Signs and Wonders
A prominent Pastor recently advertised 'a night of bliss' in South Africa promising miracles, signs and wonders. On the day, guess who filled the Stadium...the majority were believers (source: organizers web). It is amazing how 'modern' believers live in contrast to the above scripture; today believers are the ones WHO FOLLOW miracles.
So called 'believers' jump from one ministry to another, one church to another in pursuit of miracles, signs and wonders. But the matter of fact is, JESUS SAID miracles will follow those who believe. I am not saying it is wrong to be prayed for or request prayers from ministers; but as a believer, do you realize YOU HAVE A PROMISE from Jesus that signs and wonders WILL FOLLOW YOU?
copyright ©2008Light to my path † † † by TJM Kyara
Monday, June 16, 2008
You will be remembered for either the problems you solved or the problems you created. Adolf Hitler and Idd Amin are remembered for the problems they created while Sister Theresa and Mahatma Gandhi are remembered for the problems they solved. The Late Dr. Ed. L. Cole once said, after I have preached and spoken to millions of men across the globe, I want to be remembered as a father who fought for his daughters’ life with everything he’s got and won.
What will people say (if they will) about you when you are gone? Jesus praised this woman (above text) for she had given a year’s worth of wage (before tax?) in honour of the Lord. People who are fondly remembered (Including Jesus Christ), didn’t just give—they sacrificed. David said, I will not give unto the Lord what costs me nothing [2 Samuel 24:24]. What legacy do you want to leave behind when you are long gone? what will your epitaph say?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
My interest vs Yours
Our ancestors built fences/ fire at night in their compound to keep wild animals away; they were safe from each other within the compound/village. Today we build high walls with CCTV cameras and expensive technology around our houses for protection against man. Home and business Security Services is a thriving industry in any modern 21st City (a billion dollar industry in USA) but in any village/rural areas (be it USA, UK or Africa), security services are almost none existent…ever wondered why???
Man has become more and more self-absorbed, self-interested, self-centered and selfish. No wonder divorce and crime rates are higher now than then. In everything we do, we want to know ‘what’s in it for me’ if the answer is “none” then we are not interested. The above scripture urges us to look not only at our own interest, but also at interest of others. When was the last time you did something for someone with no return for you?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Body Language
Did you know that in an interview (be it a job interview or police interrogation), your body language can give you away? Your mouth could be saying “I can handle this role” but your body says, “I am not sure if this is for me” Apparently, the way we move our eyes, carry our hands, cross our legs etc can tell whether we tell a lie, not sure about something, tell the truth, certain or un-comfortable about a situation.
Paul says that our bodies are the temple (mobile temple) of the Holy Spirit; a temple is a place of worship, place where sacrifices are offered and place of prayers. We could make a conscious decision to use our temples (bodies) to do all that and to consciously communicate (non-verbally) the Love of God and preach the gospel in the way we dress (modestly), walk (angelically), smile (heavenly), dance (with grace) for we “…were bought with a price [purchased with preciousness and paid for, made His own]. So then, honor God and bring glory to Him in your body...” [1 Cor 6:19-20 AMP, Italics and emphasis mine]
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Do U know He knows?
When the disciples of Jesus were struggling with a rocky boat in boisterous wind in the middle of the sea, they went to wake up Jesus who was asleep in the deck [Mark 4:38] their words echoed their frustrations and fear that either he (Jesus) did not know or did not care that they were about to die. I personally identify with the feelings that they had. Many are times in my personal experience I feel like God does not know what I go through; I know that He cares, but does He know what I’m going through really? Does he feel my pain, frustration, worries and fear?
In the above scriptures God says, “…I KNOW…” This gives me a lot of relief and reassurance knowing that He knows, it may not look like it on the outside, but HE KNOWS. All I need to do is to yield my will and plans to His, acquaint myself with Him better (through talking to him and reading his words) and trust His lead and faithfully follow Him-all the way [Job 22:21].
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Trick or Treat?
Lucifer, that old serpent, has never changed his methods in tempting men throughout the ages; he gives half truths dangling only the good side of the coin. He told Eve the truth that ‘they will be like God’ [Genesis 3:22] but he lied about death part when he said they will not die. Eve became enticed with the pleasure of the moment forgetting the eternal consequence…the fruit was pleasing to the eye!
The serpent will show you the pleasure of the moment but not the guilt and consequences of sin. The truth of the matter is, we can choose our actions, this is our inherent gift (freedom of choice), but unfortunately we can not choose the consequences of our actions. Every time you are faced with a decision to make in this generation which says ‘if it feels good do it’, remember that there are consequences to every deed good or bad.
copyright ©2008 Light to my path † † † by TJM Kyara
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” Ps 119:105 KJV
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Once saved, always saved?
There are scores of sects that teach that once a person is born again he/she cannot be un-born again; they defend this belief by saying that once one has given birth to a child, it remains one’s child no matter what!. They quote scriptures that talk about eternal salvation and the new birth-this doctrine is also known as ‘eternal security’. But we interpret scriptures with scriptures by the help of the Holy Spirit; this is why it is dangerous to read/teach scriptures (words of God) without the Holy Spirit.
1 John 2:1,2 says, “…I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense…” NIV whilst Hebrews 10:26 says, “…if we deliberately keep on sinning…” we bundle ourselves with enemies of God. If we sin, we can go to God with advocacy of Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit and we will be forgiven; but if we continue to LIVE in sin after we have known the truth, then we are set for eternal judgment. Hebrews 4: 1 says, “…Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it…” KJV, for “…For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting…” Galatians 6:8 KJV
copyright ©2008 Light to my path † † † by TJM Kyara
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Bloody Covenant!
A powerful equatorial tribe in Africa relentlessly fought Stanley as he searched for Livingstone, finally his interpreter counseled him to ‘cut blood covenant’ with the tribe. Stanley did not like this African ritual, but as the situation got worse he gave in. The ritual, among other things, included cutting of the representatives’ wrist to drip blood into a cup of wine and later each drank from the same cup…instantly after the ritual, all that the Chief had belonged to Stanley and vice versa. Stanley’s worst enemy became his blood brother; Stanley’s enemy became Chief’s enemy and Stanley’s friends likewise [E.W. Kenyon, the Blood Covenant, 1981]
Can we now understand when Jesus, “…took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins…” Matt 26:27-28 NKJV [italics & emphasis mine] The new covenant is a blood covenant between God (representing himself) and Jesus (representing us), Jesus entered into a covenant for us—Hebrews calls Him mediator [Hebrews 9:12-18]. What I’m I trying to say? I would earnestly want you to understand that, even though salvation is FREE to you, it is not cheap; Christ cut a covenant for it for you with His blood!
copyright ©2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Giving, measure of Love
I love what the late Dr. Ed. L. Cole said in one of his teachings, “…you can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving…” When we love, truly love, we give willingly and unconditionally. We know how much one loves by how much one gives. We know how much God loves us by how much HE GAVE for us, His one and only son. Jesus said we can measure his love for us by what he has given us, “…greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends…” John 15:13 KJV italics and emphasis mine.
The question to you and me is, as we profess to love God, how much do we give to him or do we only take and take and take from him? I am talking in terms of our time, our energy, our resources (including money) etc How much of our strictly budgeted time and money goes to God and his Kingdom? Do not be fooled brethren, “…where your treasure is, there your heart will be also…” Matt 6:21 NIV italics mine.
copyright ©2008 Light to my path
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Are u a witness?
A witness is someone who has firsthand knowledge about a crime or dramatic event through their senses (e.g. seeing, hearing, smelling, touching) and can help certify important considerations to the crime or event ( To be a valid witness, you must have either experienced or seen ‘with your own eyes’ what you want to be a witness about. If a confession is made to you, you could be a witness to confession but not to the act.
Jesus said that when the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we will be ‘His Witness’; this means that we will experience at first hand the power of God as a result of what Jesus did THEN and only then do we become witnesses. Therefore, when we give ‘testimony’, when we talk of ‘salvation’ experience, we are giving a witness account of the events. The next time you testify in fellowship (or talk to unbeliever about God), make sure you are a witness of the account you give.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
God ordained lack!
The distance from Cairo (Egypt) to Jerusalem (Israel) is about 264 miles, by car today takes about 10-15 hours. An average man could walk 264 miles in 25-30 days; therefore a group of adults, children and live stock could walk same distance in 40-90 days max. Yet, GOD LED (they were not lost or wondering), God Led Israel in the wilderness for 40 YEARS amazing! He says in the scripture above that He led them where there was no food or water, then He gave them food and water-why? TO HUMBLE THEM…Deut 29:6 says, “…that you may know that I am the Lord your God…”
It seems that God denied them natural provision so that He could be their only provision. Jesus did the same thing, He sent out His disciples and asked them to take nothing at first; when they came back he asked them if they suffered lack and they said no, then he asked them to take their stuff [Luke 22:35-36]. I am therefore persuaded that there are times when God lead us into places and situations where only Him could be our sole provider firstly to humble us and that we may know that He is God. If and when you suffer lack-whilst in total obedience to God-humble yourself and look up to heaven whence your help will come from.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Let God!
Doing our things our way is as natural as scratching our body when it itches; God almighty has made us this way for His own glory—for a time and place. May be its just me, but time and again I fail to Let God when I ought to. When my car brakes down—I call my mechanic; I need money—I call my bank; I am hungry—I call Chinese takeaway or Pizza hut; I get sick—I call my doctor; marriage problem—I call my counsellor…where do I stop and call God first?
There are times when God allows life to put us in a situation where ONLY God can take us out of it. King Hezekiah was told by the Prophet of God that he was going to die of the illness he had. Lucky for him, he knew better than to call his Royal Doctors; he turned to God and PLEADED with Him, reminding him “the good old times” and God answered him. Sometimes, the only way God can get our attention is when He allows impossible circumstances in our life—will you turn to Him before this happens? “…Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you…” Psalms 32:9 NIV
copyright ©2008 Light to my path † † † by TJM Kyara
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
My father’s Demons
In Tanzania, the Chagga tribe (my descent) is stereo typed as people who love money above everything; the Pare tribe (my other descent) is stereo typed as stingy…there is an ounce of truth in this matter. In the scripture above, Isaac lied in the very same manner his father Abraham did [Gen 12:11-13; 20:1] “she is my sister”. In Matthew 12:43-45 Jesus talks of the demons that were cast out a man and when they found no other place to dwell, they said we will go back to ‘our house’ The term “house” didn’t just mean a person’s body, it also meant the family. Remember Joshua said “…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” [Joshua 24:15, KJV italics and emphasis mine] Joshua meant his family.
Demons and evil spirits are territorial, when they indwell a given family (KOO) they would normally move on from Great-grandparentsGrandparentsParentsChildren even unto Grandchildren. If you are honest, you will see the same spirits (demons) that tormented your family are out to get you. Family Diseases and illnesses, Generational Poverty, Generational Fear, Generational Sexual promiscuity e.t.c. Only the blood of Jesus can stop that curse and break that chain of pain and you can begin generation of fear of God, blessing and prosperity. Our God is called the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for a reason…
copyright ©2008 Light to my path † † † by TJM Kyara
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Balm of Gilead
“…is there no balm in Gilead ? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people? …” Jeremiah 8:22 NIV [italics & emphasis mine]
Gilead was a beautiful country just beyond Jordan where a certain rare tree grew; the leaves from the branches of this tree were used to cure illnesses (Jer 51:8b)…the tree was called the Balm. Ishmael travelling from Gilead carried it (Gen 37:25); when Children of Israel visited Joseph in Egypt , their father instructed them to carry ‘the balm’ for Joseph. The prophet of God in the above scripture was asking a rhetoric question that how comes God’s people are suffering whilst there is the Balm and physicians in Gilead ?
The church today suffers enormous blows; people in church (born again, spirit filled, tongue talking sanctified saints) are physically sick, demon oppressed, riddled with poverty, problems in marriages has become a norm, just to mention a few. Why is this whilst there is a balm in Gilead ? The answer can’t be any simpler…SIN, yes sin in church [Idol worship, unbelief & ignorance]; we have turned away God’s presence-Power. Therefore, vv 10,13, God has taken away our harvest and wives and given us snakes to bite us because, he continues vv 4 we have fallen but not got up, we have turn away but did not return. So then the question is not falling or turning away…THE QUESTION BRETHREN, IS GETTING UP AND RE-TURNING ONCE WE COME TO OUR SENSES.
copyright ©2008 Light to my path † † † by TJM Kyara
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