Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Open Secret

“…and David led the troops in their campaigns. In everything he did he had great success, because the LORD was with him...” 1 Sam 18:13b,14 NIV (italics and emphasis mine)

Something about David attracted the heart of God that He was willing to boast publicly that ‘I have found a man after my own heart’ when he tore the Kingdom from Saul and gave it to David. Perhaps it had something to do with David’s heart (attitude) towards God and His precepts. What we know is that the kingdom was taken from Saul because he consistently disobeyed God (1 Sam 13:13-14).

It is interesting to note that David’s success was not attributed to his leadership skills; strength, agility or weaponry of his troops (which were all important) but to the fact that ‘the Lord was with him’. No wonder he said, ONE THING I have DESIRED and THAT I WILL SEEK, to be in the presence of the Lord ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE (Ps 27:4), this explains King David’s Open secret of his success...

[rushwa ni adui wa haki, sitatoa wala kupokea rushwa bribery is the enemy of justice, I will neither give nor receive it ]
copyright 2008 Light to my path by TJM Kyara

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