God wanted to get Moses—a great leader, an icon, who had ran away from Him—attention, He began to burn the bush close to Moses without consuming it until Moses turned, not to see God but to see the sight of what was happening. When Moses paid attention, God called him from the bush and commanded (not asked) him to take off his shoes.
Is your bush (relationships, work, career, wealth, health) burning? It could be that God wants your attention; so you decide how long the burning illusion lasts. Once you PAY attention, He wants you to take off your shoes—i.e. your thinking, pre-conceived ideas about yourself, your destiny, world, life (paradigm) and wait on Him for a new fresh pair of shoes…
“I believe in prosperity for I believe in God, for He gives me power to get wealth” © TJ Kyara
//Tim J Kyara
//Tim J Kyara
Financial Freedom Fighter www.timkyara.wordpress.comVirtual Pastor www.virtualchurch.webs.com www.sermon.net/crcm
Teacher of the Word www.light2mypath.blogspot.com
Church Minister www.christianrevivalcentreministry.org
Teacher of the Word www.light2mypath.blogspot.com
Church Minister www.christianrevivalcentreministry.org