“…Jesus said to them, "Come with me. I'll make a new kind of fisherman out of you. I'll show you how to catch men and women instead of perch and bass." They didn't ask questions. They dropped their nets and followed. A dozen yards or so down the beach, he saw the brothers James and John, Zebedee's sons...he made the same offer. Immediately, they left their father Zebedee, the boat, and the hired hands, and followed…” Mark 1:16-20, MSG (italics and emphasis mine)
Jim Elliot, a modern martyr wrote, “he is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot loose”. Simon, Andrew, James and John did not know Jesus, not in person...yet when “he made an offer” they did not question (they asked later, much later). We see that the disciples dropped everything—family, friends, career, business, partners—all in pursuit of what they believed Jesus will offer them, better than what they had.
Today Jesus is asking of us for the same obedience, same level of trust and prompt response to His command…yet we question, reason, challenge and demand assurance beforehand. Is God asking and prompting you to do something for Him, His kingdom? Ask questions no more just do it, follow what His mother told others, “…whatever he tells you, DO IT…” John 2:5b MSG.
“I believe in prosperity for I believe in God, for He gives me power to get wealth” © TJ Kyara
copyright 2009 Light to my path
Tim J Kyara
Husband of One, Father of many www.timiresandassociates.com
Teacher of the Word www.light2mypath.blogspot.com
Minister and Elder www.christianrevivalcentreministry.org
Educator and Writer www.centre4excellence.com
PhD Research Student www.coventry.ac.uk/researchnet
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path Ps 119:105 KJV, for archived light to my path visit http://www.light2mypath.blogspot.com/ For my book, 'Seasons of Life' please visit http://www.seasonsoflife-thebook.blogspot.com/
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