Thursday, July 29, 2010
Does God work mysteriously?
We have oft heard ‘God works in mysterious ways’ haven’t we; but I submit to you today that He does not. If He did, why would He write down what He has done in the past, what He is doing today and what He plans to do in the future? Of course there are things we will never know (let alone comprehend with our limited mind) about God, yet He has revealed everything we need to know.
I appeal to everyone of us today that if God appears to be mysterious to you; perhaps it is time to open his writ and begin searching for answers for I can assure you that it is all in there, somewhere! Don’t forget to call in for the resident tutor, the Holy GHOST; He will bring every letter/word alive for you…say a little prayer while you are there!
“I believe in prosperity for I believe in God, for He gives me power to get wealth” © TJ Kyara
Tim J Kyara
Virtual Pastor (NEW)
Husband of 1, Father of many (UC)
Teacher of the Word
Minister and Elder
Educator and Writer
PhD Research Student
Thursday, July 22, 2010
U R not assigned 2 everybody!
© Acts 18:5-7, NIV italics and emphasis mine
As ministers, we often desire to help everybody from everything only ending up being hurt, burnt out, discouraged, in-effective and frustrated. The truth of the matter is we can't help everybody; in fact we are not commanded of the Lord or assigned to everybody in the first place. We need to know to whom we are assigned and to what specific areas.
But of those that you are divinely assigned to, you can only help those who would: 1. Acknowledge that they have problem, 2. Accept they need not only help, but your help and, 3. Be prepared to pay the price. Pride is the number one reason why we wouldn't acknowledge having a problem let alone ask for help. This is why God resist the proud but gives Grace to the humble…
“I believe in prosperity for I believe in God, for He gives me power to get wealth” © TJ Kyara
Tim J Kyara
Virtual Pastor (NEW)
Husband of 1, Father of many (UC)
Teacher of the Word
Minister and Elder
Educator and Writer
PhD Research Student
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Introduce you to you
“…"You are a king, then!" said Pilate. Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact,for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me"…” © John 18:37, NIV italics and emphasis mine
To be successful, prosperous, healthy and happy, one has to engage in what one was ''wired'' (created, gifted, destined) to BE and DO. Can you boldly say “for which reason you were born?” and is this what you now do? or are you caught on 24-7, 9-4 to pay bills and do what you are supposed(expected) to be and do. Successful people know what they want to be and do, believe they can and pursue that with everything they’ve got.
Jesus (being in the flesh like us) knew not only WHO He was but also WHOSE and WHAT He was meant to BE and DO. He did not fuss about pleasing people but was all about pleasing God. He worked for God but loved and served people tenderly. He was very gentle and generous, yet very strong and strict when it came to fulfilling His messing about it...the rewards, He achieved more in 3 ½ years than what most will in entire life time.
“I believe in prosperity for I believe in God, for He gives me power to get wealth” © TJ Kyara
Tim J Kyara
Virtual Pastor (NEW)
Husband of 1, Father of many (UC)
Teacher of the Word
Minister and Elder
Educator and Writer
PhD Research Student
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Full Time Ministry, Really?
Many of us feel as second class ministers because we are not in "full time" ministry. Yet Paul, who wrote most of the NT, worked hard to support himself and those around him. His trade skills also provided him access (scripture above) to places and people. In many places Paul boasts of being self reliant, "I coveted no man's silver or gold or apparel. You yourselves know that these hands have ministered to my necessities and to those with me..." (Acts 20:3-35)
Unless specifically asked of the Lord otherwise, we need to stop looking at our profession as an inconvenience that robs us time from our calling for it is a God-given gift by and through which God's work will be done. Many gospel restricted countries will open doors for Doctors, Engineers, Teachers, Nurses...Your ''tent making skills'' will provide you with access to hostile countries, people in high places and sustain you and the gospel (income).
“I believe in prosperity for I believe in God, for He gives me power to get wealth” © TJ Kyara
Tim J Kyara
Virtual Pastor www.virtualchurch. (NEW)
Husband of 1, Father of many www.timiresnassocia
Teacher of the Word www.light2mypath. blogspot. com
Minister and Elder www.christianreviva lcentreministry. org
Educator and Writer www.centre4excellen
PhD Research Student www.coventry. t
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Wake Up Call
When I recently visited Tz, having been away for nearly 10 years, I met lots of ''old'' friends/acquaintanc es. Some have really done well for themselves, but some not so good...divorced, alcoholic, workaholic etc. You see, when we begin to wonder off God's presence, it is not so obvious at the beginning (e.g. praying less, caring less for Godly things) but as time goes, the difference begins to show in the consequences of having walked away from the Lord.
The bible clearly says "when he (the prodigal son) came to himself", this means he was not himself as he walked away from the Father. Life has a way of taking the toll on us that we don't even realise how far we have wondered off from the truth, the love of God and the values that we used to hold dear. The daily routine, battles, struggles of life tends to anaesthetise us. I pray that the Holy Spirit will minister to those who have wondered off to come to their back to their senses--In Jesus Name!.
“I believe in prosperity for I believe in God, for He gives me power to get wealth”
Tim J Kyara
Husband of 1, Father of many www.timiresnassocia
Teacher of the Word www.light2mypath. blogspot. com
Minister and Elder www.christianreviva lcentreministry. org
Educator and Writer www.centre4excellen
PhD Research Student www.coventry. t
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