Monday, November 5, 2007

Worship, an art or act?

“…but the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him…” John 4:23 NKJV [italics & emphasis mine]

From ‘American Idol’ to ‘X-factor’ people pay million of dollars/pounds in true worship of their idol. Our ancestors worshipped big trees, mountains and caves, the modern society worship celebrities and wealth. This is the proof of the thesis put forward years ago that “when purpose is not known, abuse will take place” God is the one who created the thirst in our soul to worship, we have abused this creation and turn our affection from creator to creation [createes].

The church is not exempt either, we worship our pastors (bishops), worship leaders, singers e.t.c. but God is looking for people who will worship Him and Him alone. True worship comes from within [heart/soul], it emanates from a deep respect [reverence] for who and what God is…it is an attitude of the heart. Kneeling down, clapping hands, dancing, stoop, crouch e.t.c. is simply an outward expression of worship from inward conviction and it is only meaningful if it expresses the right attitude and heart.

Question: Can an un-believer worship acceptably before God?


copyright ©2007 Light to my path by TJM Kyara

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” Ps 119:105 KJV

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