“…Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest...” Matthew 9:37-38 KJV (italics and emphasis mine)
The late Minister, ABC Mabondo, liked so much to talk about this particular God’s problem. Every time he would say, “God has a problem” people would go, aaaahhh!!!, incomprehensible isn't it? But true indeed the almighty God has a problem, He has plenty of harvest ready to be harvested into the store-house but very few labourers (vibarua) who are either ready or out there in the field working. We all know what happens when a ready harvest stays too long in the field.
God has no problem of overseers, managers and supervisors; we have plenty of those in the field, but very few labourers. Labourers (manual workers-not necessarily unskilled) are those who are willing and humble enough to roll back their sleeves and go to work. Without labourers, supervisors’/overseers’ role is redundant…Jesus then says the solution is PRAY that God will send…He didn’t say Go or start recruiting yourself but PRAY that God will send LABOURERS into HIS harvest.
[rushwa ni adui wa haki, sitatoa wala kupokea rushwa | bribe is the enemy of justice, I will neither give nor receive it ]
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copyright 2009 Light to my path by TJM Kyara
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path Ps 119:105 KJV, for archived light to my path visit www.light2mypath. blogspot. com <http://www.light2my path.blogspot. com/> . For my book, 'Seasons of Life' please visit www.seasonsoflife- thebook.blogspot .com <http://www.seasonso flife-thebook. blogspot. com/>
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