Thursday, October 8, 2009

Living Saints?

“…All the saints send you greetings, especially those who belong to Caesar's household…” Philippians 4:22 NIV, italics and emphasis mine

The Roman Catholic Church has a strict rigorous process in declaring (canonizing) a departed person a “saint” they look at his life, what he/she did, if he/she performed miracles, helped people etc…there is such a long list of attributes one would have to attain to be ‘declared’ a saint. Yet we see throughout the epistles that the early believers called each other saints.

If you ask any believer today if they are saint, most would hesitate to answer...the reason could be because we associate the word “saint” with holiness, humility, charity, prayerfulness, self-denial, innocence, blameless etc. It is important however, to know that we are made ‘righteous’ by faith in-spite of ourselves (Rom 5:19, Phil 3:9) and before God’s eyes, the righteous are saints.

I believe in prosperity for I believe in God, for He gives me power to get wealth © TJ Kyara


copyright 2009 Light to my path

Tim J Kyara
Husband of One, Father of many |
Teacher of the Word
Minister and Elder |
Educator and Writer |
PhD Research Student |

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