Thursday, November 29, 2012

Build Castles in the Air

"…now FAITH is susbstance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things NOT SEEN…” © Hebr 11:1 KJV italics, emphasis and words in bracket mine

Everything starts as an idea, this universe was first an idea in God’s spirit. The difference between a success story and a failure is in the "ability" to transfer the "not seen" into physical, ideas into reality. Most of us have our breakthroughs already in the 'not seen' world—mind—when we prayed, but we let our past experiences (mistakes/failures) stop us from transmuting them into reality...FEAR is your No.1 enemy

Start NOW to build your castles in the air, pave your streets with gold THEN learn how to transmute them into reality. Faith is the agent you need to translate the ’not seen’ into the ’seen’, HOW? write your prayers (what you believe God for) on a PAPER—after prayer & meditation—write ideas that drops into your mind; ask yourself practical questions on way forward and write down answers then work them heartily.

I believe in prosperity for I believe in God, for He gives me power to get wealth” © TJ Kyara

In His Service

//Tim J Kyara

Teacher/ePastor/Engineer/Husband of 1/Father of 2

Teacher of the Word

Audio Sermons 
Clean Humour 2 Health  
Financial Freedom Fighter
Church Minister

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