Thursday, January 10, 2013

Carpenter instructing Fishermen?

“…and Simon (Peter) answered, Master, WE TOILED ALL NIGHT [exhaustingly] and caught nothing [in our nets]. But on the ground of YOUR WORD, I will lower the nets [again]. And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish; and as their nets were [at the point of] breaking…” ©Luke 5:5-7 AMP italics, emphasis and words in bracket mine

Peter and his lot were experienced professional fishermen, they knew how and where to catch fish—Jesus on the other hand was a carpenter! This night they toiled all night with nothing to show in the morning but exhaustion and frustrations. Then Jesus appears asking for fish which they had none. He asks them to cast net on the other side...they could have argued with him and explain how fishing works but they didn’t.

Peter, the scripture above, knew something that Jesus mother also knew (when she asked servants to do whatever Jesus said when they ran out of wine at the wedding). They knew that what Jesus says Goes irrespective of circumstances—prevailing facts. My appeal to you is, when you are in a tight jam, SEEK His word and obey it promptly and wholly doubting nothing—thats where your breakthrough is.

I believe in prosperity for I believe in God, for He gives me power to get wealth” © TJ Kyara
In His Service

//Tim J Kyara

Teacher/ePastor/Engineer/Husband of 1/Father of 2
Teacher of the Word
Audio Sermons 
Clean Humour 2 Health  
Financial Freedom Fighter
Church Minister

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