“…we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin…” Hebrews 4:15 NIV, italics and emphasis mine
A friend told me once that he is not sure if Jesus faced the same level of temptation we face today. He went on to mention that we are constantly bombarded with filthy papers, internet, TVs, Podcast, Billboards just to mention a few...so God must really understand if we fail Him every now and then.
We have all heard of WWJD movement, i.e. what would Jesus do had He been faced with the dilemma that I am currently facing. The writer of hebrews confirms that He was indeed tempted like us in everyway, yet He did not sin, so we are without excuse. The approach may be different (the media) but the basic nature of sin and temptation remains the same.
“I believe in prosperity for I believe in God, for He gives me power to get wealth” © TJ Kyara
copyright 2009 Light to my path Tim J Kyara
Husband of One, Father of many http://www.timiresandassociates.com
Teacher of the Word http://www.light2mypath.blogspot.com
Minister and Elder http://www.christianrevivalcentreministry.org
Educator and Writer http://www.centre4excellence.com
PhD Research Student www.coventry.ac.uk/researchnet
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